Medicare Open Enrollment 10.15 - 12.7
Submitted by Beacon Financial Planning of Cape Cod, Inc. on October 15th, 2020Just sending a friendly reminder for those eligible, Medicare enrollment is open from October 15 - December 7. Each year, Medicare plan costs and coverage can change. The open enrollment period is a chance to make new choices or switch plans to better accommodate your needs.
Get ready for Medicare's Open Enrollment with these following tips;
1) The SHINE Program (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) provides free health insurance information, counseling and assistance to all Massachusetts residents with Medicare.
2) Check your mail. You may get important notices from Medicare or Social Security. If you're in a Medicare plan, you'll get an Annual Notice of Changes (ANOC). Note any 2021 changes to your health coverage or any Extra Help you may get to pay for prescription drugs.
3) Review your 2021 "Medicare & You" Handbook. It has information about Medicare coverage, as well as Medicare plans in your area.
4) Think about your Medicare coverage needs for 2021. Note any changes in 2021 costs or benefits. Decide if your current Medicare coverage will meet your needs for the year ahead.
5) Preview 2021 health and prescription drug plans. Medicare Plan Finder makes it easy to compare coverage options and shop for health plans.
For more information you can call 1-800-MEDICARE or visit the Medicare website at