A new message from Katie: BFPCC online access & tools
Submitted by Beacon Financial Planning of Cape Cod, Inc. on April 3rd, 2020Friday, April 3rd, 2020
Good Morning & Happy Friday,
Click on the video link below to hear Katie's latest video focusing on a few housekeeping items. As our team continues to work remotely from home for the foreseeable future, we need to rely heavily on the technology that is available to us and to you.
Click here to listen to Katie's latest video discussing the importance of utilizing our online tools so we can better serve you.
Schwab Alliance: Please follow the instructions below to activate your online account. Schwab Alliance enables you to sign forms electronically, move money requests faster, update beneficiaries, open accounts online and much more.
1) Option One: Email melissa@bfpcc.com to initiate your online enrollment. You will receive an email from Schwab with a link to verify your information and create a login ID and password.
2) Option Two: Visit https://www.schwaballiance.com to initiate enrollment on your own by selecting 'new user' and following the prompts. If you have any issues please contact Schwab Alliance support at 1-800-515-2157.
MorningStar Client Web Portal: Please follow the instructions below to access to your online web portal. MorningStar provides access to performance reports, year to date returns, quarterly invoices, balances, accounts and investments.
1) We resent activation emails to anyone who hasn't enrolled for their client web portal. If you haven't received an email, please reach out to Melissa at
melissa@bfpcc.com. You will receive an email from MorningStar with a link to create a password. Your email address will be your user ID. Click here to login to your MorningStar Client Web Portal once your online account has been activated.
We thank you for your continued trust. We are here for you and welcome you to reach out should you have any questions or concerns.
- Alina Leon is here for all your scheduling needs - Alina@bfpcc.com
- Melissa Kolcz is here for any beneficiary updates or paperwork requests - Melissa@bfpcc.com
- Katie Brennan Kane is here for all your operations and investment requests - Katie@bfpcc.com
- Kelli Grew is here for your financial planning and investment needs - Kelli@bfpcc.com
- Michaela is here for your financial planning and investment needs - Michaela@bfpcc.com
Please continue to take good care of yourselves and be safe.
With gratitude for your trust,
Your Team @ Beacon Financial Planning of Cape Cod